Five Disruptive Technologies Expected to Impact 2020

Five specific disruptive technologies expected to impact 2020:

With Americans using 4,416,720 GB of data every minute, a DOMO report found, there is plenty of data to go around. Here are NTT’s top five data-driven disruptive technologies predicted to make a splash in 2020.

1. Digital Twinning: As IoT devices continue advancing, from sensors to wearables and smartphones, more data points about humans will be collected. Humans will generate enough data to create a digital twin, which is a virtual model that maps out data collected in real-time on the physical being, according to IBM’s Cheat sheet

2. Immersive, responsive ‘phygital’ spaces: Spatial computing, or digital technology that interacts with humans and their surroundings, brings all forms of realities together: AR, VR, mixed reality, and human reality

3. Building trust through digital interactions: Moving into 2020, digital interactions will become more integrated in people’s lives, causing humans to trust and rely on that tech.

4. Smart Buildings: The smart building market has been expanding significantly over the past decade, especially with the development of smart home IoT tech and voice assistants. In 2020, however, IoT will become even more immersed in buildings, with the ability to adjust room temperatures based on the number of people in the space, or change a room’s lighting based on the time of day.

5. Data Wallets: Data privacy is an overarching problem for internet users, with hackers constantly trying to steal personal information and credentials from users. The persistence of this problem resulted in data privacy legislation, such as GDPR in the EU, which attempts to give citizens more control over their personal data.
The concept of data wallets aims to place data in exclusively in the hands of the person who owns it.
