BBVA – The Digital Transformation of a Spanish Bank

BBVA, a Spanish bank, has been transforming his organization towards an Agile business since 2014.

They started implementing Agile in projects with multidisciplinary teams. The change was not easy but it had its impact in quality, employee engagement and productivity.

The model was extended to all the teams developing new solutions – 3.600 people.

However, the rest of the units were following the traditional model – 132.000 people, including indirect functions, like HR – and frictions started to raise between Agile and non-Agile teams.

So, HR took the initiative in 2016 to adopt agile way of working and organizing, to lead by example and inspire the rest of the organization. 2.000 people in HR are working without functional units and without hierarchies, within 4 groups.

Ricardo Forcano acknowledges that they are in “a journey that never ends, as the ultimate goal is to promote a cultural transformation that puts execution teams at the center of the organization and transform managers into servant leaders”

Full story on the corporate website of BBVA.